Thursday, January 27, 2011

Assignment #1- Business Card

Well starting this assignment, I thought about making my own business card for when I go on interviews, but I kind of think that would be cheesy. My friend recently got business cards are her job at an apartment complex, and I didn't really understand the design on it. Here is a picture:


I don't really understand the man/statue thing and it has a lot of different colors going on. Just for the text, there are 3 different colors: yellow, red, and white. I think it would be better to condense it to one or 2 colors. In my redesign I did one color. I don't understand why the URL is a different color from everything else. Seems kind of random. It might just be the English major in me, but I hate when proper names are not capitalized. I'm sure that was a style they were going for, but I don't like it.



I liked this design because of the grouping of content. The blue at the top blocks off to show that's the name of the apartment complex, which is one of the most important parts on the card. The pale green that covers most of the card is carried up to the font color of the apartment's name. Then the rest of the card is grouped nicely with the pale green color and is staggered into 4 groups: name/title, URLs, address, and phone/fax numbers. Anything that is on the left or right is aligned to whichever side it is closest to. My friends name and the name of the apartment complex are the same size because they are the most important parts of the card. Then, all of the rest of the card is the same size. Everything is the same font which is nice repetition. Also, everything that is grouped together is not more than 2 lines long. The logo on the top left corner is very simple and kind of goes along with the apartment theme; it is suppose to be buildings. I like on the back of the card that they stayed with the same colors, size, and font. I just kept it simple with the name of the apartment complex and the URL to find more information about the apartments. Overall, I like this template of business cards because of it's grouping, colors, and fonts. Everything is easy to read and flows well together.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Throughout the class I will do five assignments. I have picked (not in a particular order) to do a redesign of a logo, brochure, flyer, business card, and resume.

For the redesign logo, I am going to do a redesign of the Google logo for Valentine's Day. Good is notorious for changing their logos often. I was thinking of having two hearts for the Os and cupid shooting an arrow through them for the smaller G. Then a long stem rose for the l and keep the G and E regular.

I haven't found a particular brochure just yet. I think I'll go to the sub and pick out a brochure there.

I play lacrosse for Tech and I am going to do a flyer for a home game we're having soon. I'll include the place, time, and advertise some shirts that we are going to sell, too. then, put a big double T in the middle to catch people's attention.

I am going to make a business card for myself that I could hand out to employers. I will probably use that site you were talking about in class, but I forgot what it was called.

The resume I am going to kind of double up for Dr. Barkers class, too. We have to make a resume for our portfolio, so I will perfect all of the information that goes in it, and then jazz it up some. Not too much, like you said, but I think it needs to have something special about it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

1st Day Of Class

The class met on Thursday, January 13, for the first time. We all made decisions to pretty much plan out the semester. We have to write weekly blogs to reflect our discussions in class.

When I graduate, I would like to be a technical writer/editor. I have looked at some job descriptions on websites such as, and I saw some of the requires for jobs is that they want to make sure that everything on a page of a website or paper is set up right and is looking good. I was thinking we could do an assignment on making a brochure/flyer or really look into the set-up of websites. I think it would also be fun to learn how to design products and sharpen our photoshop skills because that is a skill desired in my work field. I would also really like to learn how to make our resumes stand out more. I have knowledge in InDesign and I think it is a great program for everyone to learn. It works well for resumes I think instead of just using a boring template on Microsoft word. I really do think that if a resume stands out and looks different from the rest of the stack, then I have a greater chance of getting that interview.