Sunday, March 6, 2011

TTU Typography

Using different kinds of typography is a good way to differentiate between different information. TTU has a strict set of typography found at this website: The body text is Roman Charter and Helvetica Neue for important information like class schedules and catalogs. Helvetica is one of the most generic fonts to choose, but I don't really expect anything less from Tech. I feel the colors are kind of dull looking. The darker red background makes the page look boring. I do like that they make some statements a softer gray to make it more friendly. Tech also makes some of the important headers like course schedules a larger font and in a bright red. This shows importance in the text and makes that paragraph recognizable. Tech also uses Edwardian Script for important announcements like graduations. I like this script because it is elegant looking and it does look like it is talking about something important.


  1. Good points about Roman Charter and Helvetica Neue. Of course, the history of the color scheme goes back way before both of us were born, and it's navigated through the differing schemes of other schools in Texas and in the southwest. Very complex issues, in addition to design considerations.

  2. I had actually forgotten about the light gray, but now that you mention it i actually remember seeing it on various material from tech. It does provide a nice contrast when compared to the black text.
